AI has transformed the way we live, work, and play

The Revolution is here, and it's not waiting for you

The Industrial Revolution was the original game-changer, but some folks were too busy screaming about losing their jobs to see the bigger picture. Sound familiar? Don't be that guy, yelling about the good old days while the world moves on without you. Don't be a Luddite.

Information flowEmail campaign
Our mission: Steer humanity into a utopia, not a dystopia. We're grabbing AI by the horns to shape a future where everyone wins—no excuses, no leaving anyone behind.


An AI chatbot with the smartest AI Models, GPT4, Claude 3 Opus & Mistral-Large in one place.

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previously known as bhaiyabot
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Search simplfied. Get answers, not ads and links and SEO Optimised content.

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Is legal research too tedious for you? Find what matters, fast. Research done right.

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AI mind mapping: Prompt-based creation for quick, easy visual brainstorming.

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feynChat Web

Deploy smart, speedy chatbots on your site. Zero setup headaches. Change the way people interact with your website.

Coming Soon


Upload your study material, get fun notes made and ask questions too.

Coming Soon

We're constantly working on new ideas

We slap together barely functional versions of our apps and then proceed to endlessly tweak them until they're somehwat tolerable. Please, by all means, tear our work to shreads with your brutally honest feedback! We absolutely thrive on validation and the occasioanl reality check to keep our delusions of grandeur in check!

Marketing Idea

bespoke solutions

Want an AI solution tailored to your every whim? Whether you need a virtual assistant to get rid of your quotation team or a bot that can turn water into wine (disclaimer: not actually possible), we've got you covered. The only limit is your imagination (and maybe your budget, but hey, who's counting?). So go ahead, dream big – we dare you.


Tired of your employees constantly bothering you with questions? Enter Copilots! These virtual assistants are like personal genies for your org, granting wishes left and right. Sales Copilot? BAM! Instant access to product info, so your team can close deals faster than you can say "cha-ching!" Training Copilot? POOF! Your boring training manuals are now interactive masterpieces. Custom Copilots? ALAKAZAM! Streamlined operations, top-notch customer support, and decision-making so smart, you'll think your Copilot has a PhD. Get ready to unlock efficiency and productivity like never before!

Private Chatbots

In today's data-driven world, privacy and security are more important than ever. But the thought of your sensitive data being used to train AI models, and leaking in the future? About as appealing as a root canal. Enter Private AI Assistants. Harness the power of AI without exposing your emails, internal data, or top-secret plans for world domination. Our AI is better at keeping secrets than your best friend from high school. And the best part?

Connect your own proprietary data for a custom-tailored experience

Call Quality Analysis

Ugh, call quality analysis. The job so mind-numbingly boring, it makes watching paint dry seem like a thrill ride. Who wants to spend their days listening to endless calls, scrutinizing every "um" and "ah"? Not us, that's for sure. And motivating humans to do it? Ha! Good luck with that. But fear not, for we have a solution so brilliant, it'll make you wonder why you didn't think of it first. With an AI-powered system, your calls will be analyzed faster than you can say "I hate my job." No more human involvement, no more inconsistency – just reliable, lightning-fast results.

Quotation Bots

Ah, quotations. The bane of every business's existence. You spend hours, days, even weeks preparing them, only to have your clients take their sweet time responding. Well, not anymore! Our AI-powered Quotation Estimation Tool is here to save the day (and your sanity). Just throw some natural language at it, and watch as it magically generates quotes faster than you can say "abracadabra." Accurate quotes, lightning-fast response times, and happy clients – it's like a dream come true (pinch yourself, it's real).

Your imagination is the limit

Want to supercharge your people? We've got the juice. Craving some sci-fi tech? We'll beam it right up. At our AI lab, we've got ideas so wild, they'll make your head spin (in a good way). So go ahead, let your imagination run wild – we'll be here to power your... drumroll please ...existence

Contact us

experiments and research

Yeah, we're trying to "push humanity forward" or whatever. Basically, we just really like playing with AI toys. But hey, maybe something useful will come out of it, who knows.

Social Marketing
AI research

We're diving deep into the wild world of big language models. Novel architectures, fine-tuning, RAG, Indic LLMs, Multi Modality - if it's got a cool acronym, we're probably poking at it. Our quest? To create AI that can think, see, and understand the world in ways that make our puny human brains look like old-school calculators.

AI + Fashion

Apparently some of us are into fashion. So naturally, the obvious thing to use AI to design, create and sell clothes. I'm sure that will go well and not result in any bizarre or hilarious fashion disasters. But hey, disrupting the industry and all that jazz.

Embedded Systems

We're on a mission to bring machines to life by infusing AI into all sorts of hardware systems. From cooking assistants to hospital helpers, we're blurring the lines between the digital and the physical, creating a world where everything has a dash of intelligence. The possibilities are endless, and we're eager to explore them all - even the ones that might raise a few eyebrows. Hey, sometimes the craziest ideas lead to the coolest breakthroughs!

Drone VLM integration

Flying robots with lasers for eyes that can describe what they see? Yep, that's totally a thing we're working on. Definitely no Skynet vibes here. Just good clean AI-powered drone fun.

our imagination is the limit

We like to experiment and see what happens. Sometimes it works, sometimes it blows up in our face. Literally, in the case of that one of our prototype. But we prefer to keep things on the down-low until we're pretty sure we've got something cool to show off. Gotta maintain that aura of mystery, ya know?

Rocket and laptop

Voices of Success from Our Satisfied Clients

Sarah Johnson
CEO of Flooor

Collaborating proved to be a pivotal moment for our business trajectory. Their innovative strategies, coupled with the dedication of their team, not only met but exceeded our expectations, leading to a level of success we hadn't previously imagined possible.

Sarah Johnson
CEO of Flooor

Collaborating proved to be a pivotal moment for our business trajectory. Their innovative strategies, coupled with the dedication of their team, not only met but exceeded our expectations, leading to a level of success we hadn't previously imagined possible.

Sarah Johnson
CEO of Flooor

Collaborating proved to be a pivotal moment for our business trajectory. Their innovative strategies, coupled with the dedication of their team, not only met but exceeded our expectations, leading to a level of success we hadn't previously imagined possible.

Sarah Johnson
CEO of Flooor

Collaborating proved to be a pivotal moment for our business trajectory. Their innovative strategies, coupled with the dedication of their team, not only met but exceeded our expectations, leading to a level of success we hadn't previously imagined possible.

Sarah Johnson
CEO of Flooor

Collaborating proved to be a pivotal moment for our business trajectory. Their innovative strategies, coupled with the dedication of their team, not only met but exceeded our expectations, leading to a level of success we hadn't previously imagined possible.

Sarah Johnson
CEO of Flooor

Collaborating proved to be a pivotal moment for our business trajectory. Their innovative strategies, coupled with the dedication of their team, not only met but exceeded our expectations, leading to a level of success we hadn't previously imagined possible.

Sarah Johnson
CEO of Flooor

Collaborating proved to be a pivotal moment for our business trajectory. Their innovative strategies, coupled with the dedication of their team, not only met but exceeded our expectations, leading to a level of success we hadn't previously imagined possible.

Sarah Johnson
CEO of Flooor

Collaborating proved to be a pivotal moment for our business trajectory. Their innovative strategies, coupled with the dedication of their team, not only met but exceeded our expectations, leading to a level of success we hadn't previously imagined possible.

Dive into Our Performance Metrics

Conversion Rate

Experience the power of effective digital marketing with a remarkable 17.6% conversion rate.

Potential Customers

Witness the impact of our digital campaigns as we extend your reach to over 100,000 potential customers.

Latest Project Revenue

Unprecedented growth with our proven digital strategies, driving revenue to surpass the $5 million milestone.

Impressive ROI

Unlock the full potential of your digital investments with an impressive 300% return on investment.

Enhancing Brand Recognition

Unlock the impact of our campaigns in elevating your brand's visibility. With strategic messaging, we've reached millions, boosting brand awareness and market presence.

Marketing Reactions

Your Burning Questions Answered

What services does your agency offer?

We offer a comprehensive range of digital marketing services, including SEO, PPC advertising, social media marketing, content creation, email marketing, and more. Our goal is to provide tailored solutions to meet your specific needs and objectives.

How do I know which digital marketing strategies are right for my business?

Our team of experts conducts a thorough analysis of your business, industry, target audience, and competitors to determine the most effective strategies for your unique situation. We then work closely with you to develop a customized plan that aligns with your goals and budget.

What sets your agency apart from others?

At Tactix, we pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence, innovation, and client satisfaction. Our team of experienced professionals brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every project, ensuring that we deliver outstanding results and exceed our clients' expectations.

How long does it take to see results from digital marketing efforts?

The timeline for seeing results can vary depending on factors such as your industry, competition, budget, and the specific strategies employed. However, our goal is always to deliver tangible results as quickly as possible while also focusing on long-term growth and sustainability.

How much does digital marketing services cost?

The cost of our services can vary depending on factors such as the scope of the project, the services required, and the level of customization. We offer flexible pricing options to accommodate businesses of all sizes and budgets, and we always strive to provide maximum value for our clients' investment.

Do you provide reports and analytics to track progress?

Yes, we provide regular reports and analytics to track the progress of your campaigns and measure key performance indicators. These reports include detailed insights and actionable recommendations to help you understand the impact of our efforts and make informed decisions moving forward.

We're all ears (and a few lines of code)

Got a wild idea for a bespoke AI solution? Our team of mad scientists is ready to bring your vision to life, no matter how crazy it may seem.

Drop us a line and let's get this party started!
Calling all AI enthusiasts, tech wizards, and anyone who thinks outside the box! If you're looking for a job that's equal parts challenging and thrilling, you've come to the right place. Join our eccentric crew and help us shape the future of AI. Warning: boredom not included!
Ready to unleash some AI magic?

Give us the scoop on your AI dreams and let's make them a reality. The future is waiting!

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